Northlink impacts the communities that it serves

During this time of Mandela Centenary celebrations, Northlink College thought it well to “up their own game” and try to do more than ever before for Mandela Day.

“Last year was so rewarding, but we thought about what we could do more and even better than last year and so we encouraged the campuses to do more and give more than ever before,” said Candice Johnathan, organiser for this year’s Mandela Day community projects at Northlik College.

This year, Northlink Campuses did do more…here is what some the College’s campuses and Central Office did:
• Northlink College Protea Campus started a knitting project and even included some of our suppliers to help knit beanies and scarves that will be handed out to those in need during the second semester.
• Bellville Campus took the rainy weather of Cape Town into consideration and designed and produced rain jackets to give to those living in informal homes along the road that might not be rain and weather resistant
• Belhar Campus made a donation to the Oasis School in Belhar that consisted of sporting gear that has been donated by staff members and by campus. Learners were also treated with snack packs as well that were purchased and prepared by the staff members
• Northlink College’s Central Office went to various areas armed with ladles, and cups to provide hearty soup and bread to the members of the Epping and Elsies River community what was made by the various departments at the Central Office.

“In the words of Madiba: ‘A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world a better place we so passionately dream of,’ We are already planning for next year and know what we need to do to make a difference in the lives of the people that are struggling in our communities,” said Candice.