Northlink brought SARAFINA to life

Northlink students showing off their dance skills.

Northlink students showing off their dance skills.

“Sublime!”, “Touching”, “Deep” and “Surreal” are just some of the words that you could hear after the SARAFINA! production brought to the Baxter Theatre by the Northlink College Performing Arts Department. This production is a highlight on the College calendar and showcases the Performing Arts Department and what the students have learned during their studies. Some of these students are in their final year and have been working hard for their spot in the cast.

SARAFINA! is truly South African in every sense of the play. The language, the choreography and the costumes, all shout 1970’s South Africa. This Mbogeni Ngema musical is based on the Soweto Youth Uprising tells the story of a young school girl, Sarafina, not afraid to fight for her rights and inspires her peers to do the same. Inspired by Mistress “It’s A Pity”,(played by Ivanita Oelf), Sarafina (payed by Abigail Mei) leads her class mates in protests. Jailed, tortured and humiliated, Sarafina returns to school to pursue her dream of playing Nelson Mandela in her school production. The ever entertaining Colgate (played by Shaundeon Afrika) narrates the story and takes you to the school, the playground and the “revolution” with Sarafina.
“We are truly proud of our students and know that they will make us as Northlink College proud in this very demanding industry,” said Rulaine Cunningham, Northlink College Tygerberg Campus Manger.

Members from the international accreditation body, Pearson Edexcel, as well members of the SABC attended the show and were blown away by the students’ talents. “I’m still a bit overwhelmed by the performance considering the fact that I witnessed snippets of the rehearsal. The quality of the show left me and my colleagues speechless,” said Sonti Lurayi Manager: Business Development and Knowledge Management | Learning & Development | Group Human Resources at SABC.

With iconic gospel songs such as “The Lords Prayer” and other Liberation songs, like Sechaba and the popular Mbaqanga (indigenous township rock) songs this is one South African story that is told by “Born Frees” for South Africans.

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