College invites Community to Unite Against Abuse

Students and staff in support of the Northlink Unite Against Abuse event

Students and staff in support of the Northlink Unite Against Abuse event

Northlink TVET College hosted the third Northlink Unite Against Abuse march in October. This event is an effort by the College to communicate and place a spotlight on the fight against the abuse of women and children and is part of Northlink’s plan to keep making an impact in the community that it serves.

More than 400 people joined in the march around Florida Sports Field in Ravensmead and showed their support in the fight against the abuse of women and children. Both students and staff of the College as well as other members of the Ravensmead community were greeted the morning of the event with some words by Ward Councellor Solomons as well as Northlink TVET College Principal, Leon Beech. Their words were fitting in setting the tone for the day’s activities.

“Northlink College will continue to initiate efforts such as these in support of the communities that they serve and in doing so, place the spotlight on very sensitive issues such as abuse of women and children,” said Leon Beech during his address.

The day also saw other companies such as MTN, Seven Stars and the local clinics and Western Cape Department of Social Development in the Ravensmead community offer their services, some even for free, in support of this day.

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