College Council

About the College Council

The council, prescribed by the CET Act (no 16 of 2006), is the highest decision-making body of the college. The purpose of the council is threefold:

  1. To provide strategic direction to the college to enable the institution to fulfil its mandate of providing education and training to its students.
  2. To develop and adopt policies in a range of areas which will assist college management which will assist college management and staff to implement the strategic plan.
  3. To monitor and report on performance of the college, its management and staff in fulfilling the institutional strategic plan.

Back row - Left to right:  Mr Gerald Vollenhoven; Ms Gwen Job; Ms Alma Janse van Rensburg; Ms Anngelique Ceasar; Ms Nina Barnes; Mr Z Pienaar (SRC Chairperson); Ms Chantal Lincoln; Prof. Paul Green; Ms Abigale Hermanus

Front Row - Left to right: Mr Shieraaj America; Mr Leon Beech (CEO); Ms Alana James (Chairperson); Mr Adrian Strydom (Deputy Chairperson);Ms Melanie Jackson; Adv. Nathan Williams

Functions of the College Council as directed by the Continuing Education and Training (CET) ACT 16 of 2006, as amended by Act 1 of 2013.

1. The Council must perform all the functions, including the development of a College statute, which are necessary to govern the public College, subject to this Act and any applicable National or Provincial law.

2. The Council must with the concurrence of the academic board:

a. Develop a strategic plan for the College which must:

            i.    Incorporate the mission, vision, goals and planning for funding of the college;

           ii.    Address past imbalances and gender and disability matters;

          iii.    Include safety measures for a safe learning environment for students, lecturers and support staff; and

         iv.    Be approved by the Minister;

b. Determine the language policy of the College, subject to the approval of the Minister; and

c. Ensure that the College complies with the accreditation requirements necessary to provide learning programmes in terms of standards and qualifications as registered on the National Qualification Framework.

3. The Council, after consultation with the Student Representative Council, must provide for a suitable structure to advise on policy for student support services within the public College.

4. Every student at a public College is subject to a code of conduct, disciplinary measures and procedures which are determined by the Council, subject to national policy.

5. Subject to the applicable policy, the Council of the College determines the admission of the College, after consulting the academic board and with the approval of the Minister.

6. The Council must appoint an auditor to audit records and financial statements

7. The Council must report to the Minister on;

a. The overall management and governance of the College

b. The overall performance of students in the College programmes

c. A duly audited statement of income and expenditure and balance sheet and cash flow statement.


Constitution of the College Council

The College Council consists of:

  • The Principal and Accounting Officer
  • Five external persons appointed by the Minister
  • Four additional external members with financial, human resources and legal skills
  • One member of the Academic Board elected by the Academic Board
  • One external member representing donors
  • One lecturer of the College, elected by the lecturers of the College
  • One member of the support staff of the College, elected by the support staff and
  • Two students of the College, elected by the Student Representative
    Council of the College

Sixty per cent of the members of Council are external persons who are not:

  • Students or support staff of the public college
  • Employed by the Minister
  • Employed by the College
College Committees:
  • College Council
  • Finance, Audit and Risk Committee
  • Planning and Resource Committee
  • Employment Committee
  • Academic Board

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